國立臺灣科技大學團隊 敬上
中文姓名 Chinese Name
英文姓名 English Name
學校名稱(School name)
公務電話(Business phone)
回饋一:學校基本資料問卷 School Information
1.學校名稱 The full name of school *
2.學區位置 School location *
3.學校層級 School level *
4.學生年級 Student grade level *
5.教師人數 Number of full-time teachers *
6.學生人數 Number of students *
7.學校類型 School's types
8.學生組成 Composition of students
9.學校屬性 Affiliation of schools
10.課程主要使用語言 The main instruction languages *
11.外語課程 Foreign language programs *
12.海外姊妹校數 Number of overseas sister schools
13.學校地址 School Postal Address *
14.學校網址 School website *
15.學校簡史 School's Brief history *
16.學校特色 School features *
17.附檔 Attachment *
18.我要交流的方式 International Exchange Method *
19.聯絡資訊 Contact information *
使用現況(Current usage)
具體建議(Specific suggestions)
回饋二:外國學校師生入境接待表單、本國學校師生出境訪問表單 Inbound / Outbound Exchange Activities for Foreign School
A-1 預期交流國家/地區 *
A-2 預期交流使用語言 Proposed languages for communication *
A-3 預期交流學校層級 Proposed level of exchange school *
A-4 預期交流學生年級 Proposed grade level of exchange students *
A-5 預期交流學校類型 Proposed type of exchange school *
A-6 預期交流學生組成 Proposed composition of exchange students *
A-7 預期交流學校屬性 Proposed affiliation of exchange school
A-8 預期接待人員 Proposed composition of the group *
B-1 預期交流類型活動 Proposed types of exchange activities in Taiwan *
B-2 預期接待期間 Proposed periods *
B-3 預期住宿安排 Proposed accommodation arrangement *
B-4 負擔費用項目 Program costs and insurances *
C-1 您是否為代辦機構(勾是請填寫C-1-1) Are you an agency representative? (If yes, please fill out C-1-1.) *
C-1-1 請上傳學校授權書(PDF檔案)。 Please upload the school authorization letter (PDF file) *
C-2 專案聯絡人 Contact person *
C-3 聯絡資訊 Contact information *
C-4 附檔 Attachment *
D. 備註 Note
使用現況(Current usage)
具體建議(Specific suggestions)
使用現況(Current usage)
具體建議(Specific suggestions)
回饋三:國際網路交流活動表單 Online Activities for International Exchanges
A-1 預期交流國家/地區 *
A-2 預期交流使用語言 Proposed languages for communication *
A-3 預期接待學校層級 Proposed level of exchange school *
A-4 預期交流學生年級 Proposed grade level of exchange students *
A-5 預期接待學校類型 Proposed type of exchange school *
A-6 預期接待學生組成 Proposed composition of exchange students *
A-7 預期接待學校屬性 Proposed affiliation of exchange school
B-1 預期交流類型活動 Proposed types of exchange activities *
B-2-1 非即時交流時間 Proposed periods for asynchronous activities
B-2-2 即時交流時間 Proposed slots for synchronous activities
B-3 建議網路及設備 Recommended Internet and equipment availability *
B-4 可運用軟體 Available software *
B-5 通訊及社交媒體限制 Social media restrictions *
C-1 您是否為代辦機構(勾是請填寫C-1-1) Are you an agency representative? (If yes, please fill out C-1-1.) *
C-1-1 請上傳學校授權書(PDF檔案)。 Please upload the school authorization letter (PDF file). *
C-2 專案聯絡人 Contact person *
C-3 聯絡資訊 Contact information *
C-4 附檔 Attachment *
D. 備註 Note
使用現況(Current usage)
具體建議(Specific suggestions)