
Power to Make a Change

行政及夥伴關係  課程及教學實施  評估及修正機制
  1. 建立Line群組,作為國際交流行政與課程團隊之聯繫與紀錄管道。 (團隊分工如上述組織分工表)
  2. 建置學校Flipgrid網路交流平台,提供團隊與學生上傳交流影片。(由教學組長協助)
  3. 規畫課程設計、學生分組、以及交流期程(由英情教師主導)。
  4. 召集會議討論本學期交流運作期程與會議召開時間。
  5. 瞭解對方學校之設備與需求
  1. 準備與購置課程所需之材料與設備。
  2. 公告課程計畫與活動規劃。
  3. 教師指導學生依主題製作海報與剪報。
  4. 教師指導學生線上交流之禮節、資料蒐集、報告之用語等技能。
  1. 行政與課程團隊召集會議,依過去經驗評估預期目標與成效。

學生資格 保障弱勢學生_

時數 課程/活動內容 師資 地點
2022.07 (1hr) 行政與課務團隊研討會(1)
行政與課務團隊 教務處
2022.08 (1hr) 行政與課務團隊研討會(2)
行政與課務團隊 教務處
2022.08 (1hr) 行政與課務團隊研討會(3)
行政與課務團隊 教務處
2022.09 (1hr) 本校教師共同備課(1) 所有課程設計、執行及檢核人員 英情中心
2022.10 (1hr) 本校教師共同備課(2) 所有課程設計、執行及檢核人員 英情中心
2022.11 (1hr) 本校教師共同備課(3) 所有課程設計、執行及檢核人員 英情中心
2023.03 (1hr) 本校與菲律賓教師共同備課(1) 所有課程設計、執行及檢核人員、外籍教師、
2023.04 (1hr) 本校與菲律賓教師共同備課(2) 所有課程設計、執行及檢核人員、外籍教師、
2023.05 (1hr) 本校與菲律賓教師共同備課(3) 所有課程設計、執行及檢核人員、外籍教師、
Teacher exchange classes 老師交換課程 (線上合作教學)
Teachers at Sanxing E.S.teach students at Claver Central E.S.
Starting from Sept. through Nov. 2022
40 minutes of teaching, once a month.
從 2022 年09 月到 11 月,40分鐘的教學,每月一次。
Sept. 許婕雯、盧盈溱
Oct. 張禹欣、曾怡嘉
Nov. 伍怡亭、林書羽
Claver Central E.S. 預計授課之師資
Teachers at Claver Central E.S. teach students at Sanxing Starting from Feb. through April 2023
40 minutes of teaching, once a month.
從 2023 年 02 月到04 月,40分鐘的教學,每月一次。
Feb. Charmie Maria R. Eronis
March Ryan Carl L. Bico
April Kris John Varl Galanida
Teacher’s online preparation meeting 老師線上備課會議
Teachers meet online to discuss teaching contents and agendas as well as share teachers’ reflections after collaborative teaching lessons.
Aug. Sept .Dec. Jan. Feb.
Teacher’s online preparation meeting  老師線上備課會議
Teachers meet online to discuss teaching contents/topics of the international collaborative classes as well as share reflections and thoughts after the collaborative international classes.
Jan. Feb. June

日期 課程/活動內容 師資 地點
Week 1-Week 4
Lesson 1-1:  Types of pollution (2 periods)
●      SWBAT define pollution.
●      SWBAT identify different types of pollution.
●      SWBAT identify the causes of pollution.
Lesson 1-2:  Effect of pollution on the environment (2 periods)
●      SWBAT understand the impact of pollution has caused.
●      SWBAT express their opinions about how pollution has affected the environment.
●      SWBAT create their graphic organizers regarding the causes and effects of pollution.
Cris Samontina Saranza
& Joy Chen
Week 5-Week 8
Lesson 2-1: The global warming (2 periods)
●      SWBAT understand the meaning of global warming
●      SWBAT understand what impacts of global warming
  • SWBAT use their own words to explain the general ideas about global warming.
Lesson 2-2: The importance of our ocean (2 periods)
●      SWBAT understand the importance of the ocean.
●      SWBAT change their mentality by thinking that saving the ocean is saving ourselves.
●      SWBAT explain how the ocean helps us with different functions.
Cris Samontina Saranza
& Joy Chen
Week9-Week 12
Lesson 3-1: Actions we can take to save our ocean  (2 periods)
●      SWBAT learn action speaks louder than words.
●      SWBAT understand that plastics have caused big trouble on our planet.
●      SWBAT learn the importance of implementing 3Rs waste management in our daily life.
Lesson 3-2: Save our ocean campaigns (2 periods)
●      SWBAT understand that you are never too small to make a difference.
SWBAT present their works.
Cris Samontina Saranza
& Joy Chen

  8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7月
行政及夥伴關係  課程及教學實施  評估及修正機制
1. 於Flipgrid網路交流平台,上傳交流之影片與成果。(由教學組長協助)
2. 依據期程定期召開會議,以討論課程實施與評估。
1. 教師指導學生依主題製作海報與簡報。
2. 教師指導學生線上交流之禮節、資料蒐集、報告之用語等技能。
1. 設計學生問卷與家長問卷,評估整體交流規劃之時程與成效。
2. 行政與課程團隊定期召集會議,依據已完成之課程情形討論後續交流

日期 課程/活動內容 師資 地點
Students’ online preparation 雙方學生交流前的線上討論SDG14- the life below water 班導師/Cris Samontina Saranza and Joy Chen 英語情境中心(國際教育教室)
May 9
  • Opening Ceremony (All teachers attend if possible)
  • Ice breaking
Facilitated teacher/Claver: Leslei D. Paqueo-Patosa
Facilitated teacher/Sanxing: 許婕雯、盧盈溱
May 16
  • Presentation
  • Topic:Claver: How to save the ocean as a student?
  • Sanxing: What will happen if we don’t save the ocean?
Facilitated teacher/Claver: Mae Cristy Amor M.Virtudazo
Facilitated teacher/Sanxing:林盈妤、伍怡亭
May 23
  • Presentation
  • Topic:Claver: Kinds of fishes found in Claver.
  • Sanxing: What pollutions we encounter in Taiwan.
Facilitated teacher/Claver: Mary Grace A. Acelo
Facilitated teacher/Sanxing:林書羽/張禹欣
May 30
  • Presentation
  • Topic:Claver: Seas and Oceans surrounding Claver.
  • Sanxing: The current status of the beach in Taiwan.Closing Ceremony (All teachers attend if possible)
Facilitated teacher/Claver:Leonard Richie J. Ladroma
Facilitated teacher/Sanxing: 許婕雯、曾怡嘉
Students’ online preparation 雙方學生交流前的線上討論
Teacher’s online preparation meeting  老師線上備課會議
Teachers meet online to discuss teaching contents/topics of the international collaborative classes as well as share reflections and thoughts after the collaborative international classes.
Jan. Feb. June

行政及夥伴關係  課程及教學實施  評估及修正機制
1. 彙整教學成果影音
2. 撰寫成果報告與團隊心得
3. 協助建置實體成果展覽,讓學生的傑作得到廣泛欣賞。
1. 上傳活動影音至各平台(Flipgrid, YouTube,…)
2. 佈置實體成果展
3. 提供學生與家長回饋表填寫
4. 學生交流學習心得
1. 召集會議,依據交流之資料,檢討計畫執行情況。
2. 將會議紀錄做為未來交流計畫研擬之參考。