(一) 拯救昆蟲大行動

1-6 學生課程回饋

1. 會珍惜生活周遭的永續資源與所擁有的一切並能夠節制利用。

2. 學生知道世界上有很多問題需要他們去解決。


1-8 學生課程問卷調查


1-9 課程行動方案反思

學生在課程中,在國際課程平台Cyber Academy與烏克蘭、印度、日本、香港進行跨國專題,學生主動分享各組對於台灣昆蟲之保育方式,比較他國的保育方式,截長補短,不但了解到永續發展的意義,也確實在小組中針對學習任務的分配與內容,在小組中合作並用創新方式解決昆蟲問題,學生也針對自己要解決的昆蟲問題製作出生態小屋,有些是因為家中種植荔枝,所以要解決荔枝椿象的問題,所以做出荔枝椿象誘捕小屋。有些是解決蜜蜂的問題,所以做出創意蜂箱。而要解決小黑蚊問題的同學,結合程式設計,做出小黑蚊滅蚊機器人,這些都說明了學生學習課程後,實際發展出行動方案解決昆蟲生態問題。

1-10 課程批判思考面向

由成果來看,全部學生都認為這門可以激發學生批判思考,而跨文化的反思中,批判思考則是重點。根據PISA 2018 全球素養,如果學生可以進行跨文化互動與溝通,這樣就可以培養全球素養的態度與價值層面。台灣學生與日本學生共產出20個復育螢火蟲生態小屋。學生能夠透過數位說故事,反思自己的學習歷程。與日本學生交流,了解日本在復育螢火蟲與台灣的差異,並可以修正自己的學習方式。數位說故事是一個口說學習歷程的呈現,學生反思所學。

1-11 跨文化溝通面向

針對跨國溝通部分,學生一半以上會用英文與外國人溝通。在拯救學生在國際教育跨國平台Cyber Academy 與外國學生互動並給予回饋。藉由觀摩他國學生作品,學生可以多元學習並可以反思改進自己的作品。

1-12 跨文化反思面向




1. 對韓國文化的反思:

  • 學生知道同一個問題韓國與台灣處理的方式是不一樣的。
  • 透過和韓國學生一起做報告,學生感到與不同文化相處模式的不同。本來以為韓國人很難相處,但是後來發現他們人很好。
  • 他們本來以為韓國人是會暗算別人的,透過課程學生發現韓國人不是這樣的,他們人很好,英文也很好。
  • 學生發現他們飲食跟台灣不一樣,每餐都會吃辣,他們會追星的行為跟台灣一樣。

2. 對日本文化的反思:

  • 學生透過課程更了解日本,但是沒想到日本學生英文真的不好。
  • 原本以為日本人很含蓄,透過視訊課程發現他們很開朗,很好相處。
  • 透過漫畫與卡通以為日本人很保守,後來發現他們的學校生活其實跟我們差不多。
  • 本來以為日本人很冷漠,其實日本人沒有想像的拘謹。

3. 對越南文化的反思:

  • 越南同學很熱情,沒有普遍認為的教育程度低,他們英文其實很流利。
  • 本來對越南文化不了解,以為他們生活水準很低,沒想到已經跟我們一樣,真的很厲害。
  • 本來以為越南是落後不衛生的國家,結果發現他們經濟實力不輸我們,甚至贏過我們。
1-13 國際交流平台互動

學生不論英文書寫學習單或是影片都分享在平台,與外國學生一同互動。除了透過課程平台Cyber Academy, 本課程群組在Facebook,課程也常常讓學生使用不同平台,如Edmodo 與 Global Virtual Classroom,學生用英文在平台上進行課程,與外國學生互動與討論,累積雄厚國際交流實力。

1-14 相互依存性的體認


1-15 解決問題的能力


1-16 課程成果評量規準 Eco-house/Bug House Design Rubric

Not good 



International Content

You didn’t include much information about the insect in the local environment, and you didn’t explain well.

You include most of the content about the insect in the environment and explained them well.

The content about insect in the local environment is presented clearly and explained explicitly. 


You didn’t watch or comment on others’ works on site.  

You only watched or commented on less than 2 works made by others on site.  

You watched 3 other works on site and gave constructive comments and refined your own work accordingly.   

Visual Aid

Visual aid is messy or unprepared.  

Visual aid is not completely accessible to all audience members.  Graphic is neat.  

Visual aid is readable and attractive from all parts of the room.  Graphic is clear and professional looking, enhancing the message in the worksheet.  


No comments are given to and no references are taken from others’ work.  

Some comments are given to and some references are taken from others’ work.  

Detailed comments are given to others’ work and a lot of references are taken from others’ work.  


Others’ ideas are used but not give them credit. 

The design shows some original thoughts.  

The design shows a large amount of original thought.  Ideas are creative and inventive.  

(二) 減塑一起來

1-6 學生課程回饋
文山-主題課程(二)課程實施與學習成果-13 文山-主題課程(二)課程實施與學習成果-14
1-7 學生行動方案


1-8 相互依存性的體認


1-9 發展行動方案的能力



文山-主題課程(二)課程實施與學習成果-15 文山-主題課程(二)課程實施與學習成果-16
文山-主題課程(二)課程實施與學習成果-17 文山-主題課程(二)課程實施與學習成果-18


陳宏丞:But, when we buy our breakfast, we use a lot of plastic containers.  Plastics is everywhere.

陳智駿:Although plastics are very convenient for our lives, they also affect our environment indirectly; for example, in the Fengshan Stream beside the former 青年 Night Market. (呈現青年夜市的溪的圖)

Plastic products such as plastic bags or plastic bottles, if left alone, will flow to the sea. Some of them will drift on the sea or be eaten by wildlife.(做出垃圾漂流動畫)

Another part may rush to the land with the waves and then pile up on the land.(陳智駿)

陳宏丞: Ok. I know.  But, what exactly can we do to save the earth?  

吳忠縉: 6R is the six principles for garbage reduction, which are:

Reduce → Reduce the amount of waste that is discarded

Reuse → Reuse container or product

Repair → Pay attention to maintenance and extend the service life of items

Refuse → Rejecting the use of environmentally friendly products

Recycle → Recycling

Recovery → (regeneration) refers to the change in the form of raw materials or other substances used as a material, fuel, fertilizer, feed, filler, soil improvement, etc., to make renewable resources function. For example, biogas power generation and tire milling are used as fuels, waste oil recovery systems are used to make biomass, and kitchen waste is recycled for compost.(吳忠縉)


Not good 



International Content

The content didn’t include much information about local issue and global awareness. 

The content include most of the local issue and global awareness and is explained well.

The content about local issue and global awareness is presented clearly and explained explicitly. 

Visual Aid

Visual aid is messy or unprepared.  

Visual aid is not completely accessible to all audience Graphic is neat.  

Visual aid is readable and attractive from all parts of the room.  Graphic is clear and professional looking, enhancing the message in the worksheet.  


No comments are given to and no references are taken from others’ work.  

Some comments are given to and some references are taken from others’ work.  

Detailed comments are given to others’ work and a lot of references are taken from others’ work.  


Others’ ideas are used but not give them credit. 

The action shows some original thoughts.  

The action shows a large amount of original thought.  The ideas for the action are creative and inventive.  

(三) 海洋生態探索

1-4 跨國溝通面向

學生透過繪本傳達保育海洋生物的意涵。. 溝通不見得只是用語言。透過藝術,可以多元表達其中的意涵與作者的目的。

1-5 永續發展行動策略


1-6 相互依存性的體認


1-7 發展行動方案的能力


1-8 海洋生態繪本評量指標

Not good 



International Content

The content didn’t include much information about local issue and global awareness. 

The content include most of the local issue and global awareness and is explained well.

The content about local issue and global awareness is presented clearly and explained explicitly. 

Visual Aid

Visual aid is messy or unprepared.  

Visual aid is not completely accessible to all audience Graphic is neat.  

Visual aid is readable and attractive from all parts of the room.  Graphic is clear and professional looking, enhancing the message in the worksheet.  


No comments are given to and no references are taken from others’ work.  

Some comments are given to and some references are taken from others’ work.  

Detailed comments are given to others’ work and a lot of references are taken from others’ work.  


Others’ ideas are used but not give them credit. 

The ocean storybook shows some original thoughts.  

The ocean storybook shows a large amount of original thought.  The ideas for the ocean storybook are creative and inventive.