
有難同當 Together for refugees



有難同當 Together For Refugees
有難同當 Together For Refugees
  1. Brian McCarty “WAR-TOYS”  https://brianmccarty.com
  2. 聯合國兒童基金會【不是童話 Unfairy Tales】系列短片https://www.unicef.org.hk/unicef-launches-unfairy-tales-of-refugee-and-migrant-children/
  3. Syrian Crisis  https://www.unicef.org/emergencies/syrian-crisis
  4. 《請帶我穿越這片海洋:記敘利亞、伊拉克、阿富汗、北非難民,以及跨地中海的悲劇航程》原文作者 Karim el Gawhary,  Mathilde Schwabeneder出版社:漫遊者文化
  5. 《班雅明先生的神祕行李箱Mr. Benjamin's Suitcase of Secrets》出版社: 三民書局; 出版日期: 2017/09/26; 作者:張蓓瑜; 繪者:張蓓瑜
  6. 國際救援委員會 IRC International Rescue Committee https://www.rescue.org
  7. 教師入戲Teacher in Role: 教師化身為與故事相關的角色,讓參與者在戲劇「擬真」的氛圍下,與當事者面對面進行對談,以達到教學的目的。Teacher in role (TiR) is an invaluable technique for shaping the dramatic process and developing students’ learning. Simply put, the teacher or facilitator assumes a role in relation to the pupils. This may be as a leader, an equal, or a low-status role – whatever is useful in the development of the lesson. The teacher may ask questions of the students, perhaps putting them into role as members of a specific group and encouraging them to hot-seat her in return. https://dramaresource.com/teacher-in-role/
  8. 靜止畫面Still Image: Still Image is a drama skill that all people freeze in actions. 
  9. REFUGEE REPUBLIC  https://refugeerepublic.submarinechannel.com
  10. “Most Shocking Second a day.” & “Still The Most Shocking Second a Day. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBQ-IoHfimQ&list=PLShr1ttB260O6Txm0JkiR-edi29__hTeu&index=81 A young girl's life gets turned upside-down in this tragic second a day video. This is what war does to children. Find out more: http://save.tc/fvu430gar8B
  11. 聯合國難民署 UN Refugee Agency http://www.unhcr.org/hk/
  12. 聯合國兒童基金會The United Nations Children's Fund https://www.unicef.org
  13. 紅鼻子日Comic Relief-Red Nose Day  https://rednoseday.org