
有難同當 Together for refugees





單元名稱 1







不是童話 Unfairy Tales(2節)
教學節次 第1節~第2節
國際教育議題實質內涵 國E6 區辨衝突與和平的特質。
國E11 體會國際弱勢者的現象與處境。
相關領域學習表現(第二學習階段以上應包含英語文領域領綱)  [綜合領域]
3c-III-1 尊重與關懷不同的族群,理解並欣賞多元文化。
1-III-6 能聽懂課堂中所學的字詞。
2-III-7 能作簡易的回答和描述。  
3-III-6 能看懂課堂中所學的簡易短文之主要內容。 
4-III-4 能依圖畫、圖示填寫簡單字詞。 
5-III-2 在聽讀時,能辨識書本中相對應的書寫文字。 
6-III-5 樂於接觸課外英語學習素材。
領域學習內容 Content
1. 敘利亞戰爭的背景
2. 兒童難民的處境
語言學習內容 Language of Learning
目標字詞target words:
Syria/Syrian, civil war, refugee, rights, reason, results, million, freedom, force, government 
目標句型target sentences:
1. Can you describe “_______” in five (related) words? 
   The five (related) words for "_____" are: ____, ____, ____, ____ and ____. 
   There is/ there are…
2. Which sentence from the story shocked you the most? 
   "_______" is the sentence that shocked me the most because ______.
3. There is/ there are…
單元學習目標 能了解敘利亞戰爭緣由及其影響,理解並關懷兒童難民處境,進而學習以英語文表達、分享心得,反思與回饋。
教學步驟 引導作法 教學資源 認知能力
I. Warm up (15 mins)
教師介紹Brian McCarty “WAR-TOYS”系列作品,詢問學生從每張作品畫面中看到了什麼?有什麼心情感覺?並將學生集思廣益回應的單字記錄在黑板上。最後透過小組合作,將黑板上腦力激盪出來的單字組成幾句完整句子來描述該幅作品情境。教師一共介紹3張“WAR-TOYS”作品,每張作品皆以此相同流程完成作品討論。
1. Teacher uses target sentence and asks students: 
Can you describe this image in 5 words? 
Students may say:
The five words for this image are: fire, houses, girl, blue and dark. 
2. Teacher repeats the words, and then writes them on the blackboard.
3. Teacher asks students: 
Can you describe your/her/his feelings in five words?  
Students may say:
The five words for my/her/his feelings are: sad, lonely, angry, scared and shocked.
4. Teacher repeats the words, and then writes them on the blackboard.
5. Teacher may say: 
Now, let’s work in groups. Each group’s task is to use these words (teacher points to the word lists on the blackboard) and make sentences to describe this image. 
You can start the sentence with “There is/ there are…”
  Students may say (or write on the whiteboard):
There is a lonely girl and she is shocked. 
There are fires everywhere and people run away from the houses. They are scared. 


















II. Presentation - Syrian civil war (25 mins) 
1. Teacher may say: 
These images come from Brian McCarty’s work “War-Toys”. 
Can you describe war in five related words? 
Students may say:
The five related words for war are: dead, bomb, tank, fight, and enemy.  
2. Teacher may say: 
Brian McCarty works with children from war places. He uses toys to tell these children’s true stories and the horrors of war. Some of these children are from Syria. 
3. Teacher explains the background and the effects of Syrian Civil War. 
Teacher may say: 
Let’s talk about Syria, Syrian Civil War and Syrian refugees with this infographic “The 3Rs of Syrian Civil War”. 
4. Teacher hands out worksheets for each group. Having students to work with their peers and finish worksheets.
Teacher may say: In the worksheet, can you describe the reason of Syrian Civil War/ the results of Syrian Civil War/ the refugees of Syrian Civil War in three to five related words or in full sentences? 
Students may use these words to answer:
It is / was because ... 
In my opinion…
First, … 
Second, … 
Finally, / Lastly, ...
Syrian, war, children refugees, bomb, rights, freedom, force, government, million
5. Group Presentations: invite students from each group and share their works.  
Students may say:
My name is ______, and I am here to talk to you about … 
First, … 
Second, … 
Finally, / Lastly, ... 
Thank you all for your attention. 
6. 學生完成小組互評單(Peer evaluation form),並繳回給教師
III. Practice - Unfairy Tales (35 mins)
教師播放聯合國兒童基金會【不是童話 Unfairy Tales】系列短片,透過動畫呈現難民兒童真實經歷,藉此道出敘利亞難民兒童們面對的逃難時的恐懼及辛酸。
1. Teacher may say:  
I am going to play three animations called “Unfairy Tales” made by The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). These three animations show the true stories of Syrian children refugees. 
2. Teacher hands out the worksheets for students to work on. 
Teacher may say: 
After watching the video, please do the following things in the worksheet:
(1) Can you describe your feelings in three words? 
(2) Which sentence shocked you the most?
Here are the sentences from the story, choose one sentence shocked you the most and write down the reasons in the worksheet:  
① Some stories were never meant for children.
② The streets were covered with blood.
③ We went to bed hungry. We woke up hungry.
Students may answer:
"The streets were covered with blood." is the sentence that shocked me the most because I am afraid of blood. ‘
3. Repeat the same steps for the other two animations. Have the students complete their worksheets.
IV. Wrap up (5 mins)
Teacher may make a conclusion:
“Unfairy Tales” emphasizes that… 
1. Some stories were never meant for children.” 
2. Children are children, no matter where they come from.
3. All children have rights and deserve fair chances.



























1. Brian McCarty “WAR-TOYS”  https://brianmccarty.com
2. 聯合國兒童基金會【不是童話 Unfairy Tales】系列短片https://www.unicef.org.hk/unicef-launches-unfairy-tales-of-refugee-and-migrant-children/
3. Syrian Crisis https://www.unicef.org/emergencies/syrian-crisis


海線?陸線?生存大考驗 Sea route or land route?(2節)
教學節次 第3節~第4節
國際教育議題實質內涵 國E11 體會國際弱勢者的現象與處境。
相關領域學習表現(第二學習階段以上應包含英語文領域領綱)  [綜合領域]
3c-III-1 尊重與關懷不同的族群,理解並欣賞多元文化。
[藝術與人文 表演藝術]
3-III-5 能透過藝術創作或展演覺察議題,表現人文關懷。
1-III-6 能聽懂課堂中所學的字詞。
2-III-7 能作簡易的回答和描述。  
3-III-6 能看懂課堂中所學的簡易短文之主要內容。 
4-III-4 能依圖畫、圖示填寫簡單字詞。 
5-III-2 在聽讀時,能辨識書本中相對應的書寫文字。 
6-III-5 樂於接觸課外英語學習素材。
領域學習內容 Content
1. 敘利亞難民逃難兩種路線
2. 難民逃難時隨身所需物
語言學習內容 Language of Learning
目標字詞target words:
Route, sea, land, Pros and Cons, Teacher-in-role, risk, journey, death, chances, via, threats, item(s), the most valued, the most needed 
目標句型target sentence:
1. Can you describe “_______” in five (related) words? 
The five (related) words for "_____" are: ____, ____, ____, ____ and ____. 
2. What _______ do you choose (for you and your family)? 
And why do you choose it? 
I choose ________ because ______________. 
3. Which _______ do you want to go?
I want to go to_______. 
4. What is in ________? 
There is/ there are
單元學習目標 能比較並了解海線及陸線兩種逃難方式的優缺點,透過戲劇活動理解並關懷兒童難民處境,進而學習以英語文表達、分享心得,反思與回饋。 
教學步驟 引導作法 教學資源 認知能力
I. Warm up (15 mins)
教師重播上一節課Unfairy tales系列作品影片,並詢問學生故事中的兒童難民們逃難過程中經過哪些場景或路線? 整理學生的答案,將其分類成兩種難民逃難的路線:海線與陸線。
1. Teacher uses target sentence and asks students: 
In “Unfairy tales” stories, people run away from Syria, where do they go? 
Can you describe the ways in 5 words? 
Students may say:
The five words for the ways are: road, sea, land, ocean and mountain. 
2. Teacher repeats all the words from students, and then writes them on the blackboard. 
3. Teacher separates those words into groups of two categories, sea route and land route. 
4. Teacher concludes that: 
When Syrian refugees run away from their homes to other countries, they have to choose to travel by land or to travel by sea sometimes. 










II. Presentation – Sea route? Land route? (25 mins) 
教師介紹難民逃難時大致可分為兩種路線:海線與陸線,並透過視覺資訊圖表比較分析兩種路線的優缺點。教師利用【教師入戲Teacher-in-role】的戲劇手法,化身成為專門帶人民逃亡到其他國家的費特克太太 (角色擷取自繪本《班雅明先生的神祕行李箱》),透過教師入戲及學生角色扮演活動,帶領學生思考逃難的路線以及目的地國家。
1. Teacher introduces refugees’ escaped route, sea route and land route. And then teacher analyzes the Pros and Cons of different routes with the infographic. 
2. Techer groups the students. Having each group form as a Syrian family. Students play in roles as family members. 
3. Teacher uses a drama technique – Teacher-in-role and plays in role as Mrs. Fittko, who is good at leading refugees to other countries. 
Teacher (as Mrs. Fittko) may say:
I understand that you and your family want to run away from Syria. I can take you out of this country, but you have to choose sea route or land route before you go. 
What route do you choose for you and your family? 
And why do you choose it? 
Talk to your families, and I will be back in five minutes. Let me know your answers and I will show you the way out. (Students talk to peers in groups for five minutes.)
4. Teacher plays in role as Mrs. Fittko and asks the target sentence:
What route do you choose for you and your family? 
And why do you choose it?
Students from each group may say:
I choose land route because it’s safe and I can look for some food on my way.
I choose sea route because it’s short and quick. 
5. Teacher plays in role as Mrs. Fittko and says: 
I see. Come to get the maps. Study the sea route/ land route from the maps for five minutes. Draw the route and make a “running-away” plan for you and your family. And present to us with your map.
Which country do you want to go?
Students from each group may say:
I want to go to Germany.
I want to go to Italy.






























地圖任務單, 彩色筆


































III. Practice - Unfairy Tales (35 mins)
教師播放聯合國兒童基金會【不是童話 Unfairy Tales】系列短片,透過動畫呈現難民兒童真實經歷,藉此道出敘利亞難民兒童們面對的逃難時的恐懼及辛酸。
1. Teacher may say:  
I am going to play three animations called “Unfairy Tales” made by The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). These three animations show the true stories of Syrian children refugees. 
2. Teacher hands out the worksheets for students to work on. 
Teacher may say: 
After watching the video, please do the following things in the worksheet:
(1) Can you describe your feelings in three words? 
(2) Which sentence shocked you the most?
Here are the sentences from the story, choose one sentence shocked you the most and write down the reasons in the worksheet:  
① Some stories were never meant for children.
② The streets were covered with blood.
③ We went to bed hungry. We woke up hungry.
Students may answer:
"The streets were covered with blood." is the sentence that shocked me the most because I am afraid of blood. ‘
3. Repeat the same steps for the other two animations. Have the students complete their worksheets.
IV. Wrap up (5 mins)
Teacher may make a conclusion:
“Unfairy Tales” emphasizes that… 
1. Some stories were never meant for children.” 
2. Children are children, no matter where they come from.
3. All children have rights and deserve fair chances.











IV. Wrap up (15 mins)
1. Teacher plays in role as Mrs. Fittko and says:
It will not work out for your “running-away” plan if you don’t bring the most valued and needed items with you. 
What items do you choose for you and your family? 
And why do you choose them?
Discuss within the group, and do the following things:
Draw a small bag on the paper. 
Draw and write 5 items in the bag.
Make the group presentation: carry the bags and make a “running-away” Still Image.  (Still Image is a drama skill that all people freeze in actions)
When teacher walks towards a student and touch the student’s shoulder, the student may say:
I choose family pictures and money because I will miss my family and I need money to buy some food.
2. Group presentation
3. Discuss and share. 





Paper, markers, pens, pencils









1. 《請帶我穿越這片海洋:記敘利亞、伊拉克、阿富汗、北非難民,以及跨地中海的悲劇航程》原文作者 Karim el Gawhary,  Mathilde Schwabeneder出版社:漫遊者文化
2. 《班雅明先生的神祕行李箱Mr. Benjamin's Suitcase of Secrets》出版社: 三民書局; 出版日期: 2017/09/26; 作者:張蓓瑜; 繪者:張蓓瑜
3. 國際救援委員會 IRC International Rescue Committee https://www.rescue.org
4. 教師入戲Teacher in Role: 教師化身為與故事相關的角色,讓參與者在戲劇「擬真」的氛圍下,與當事者面對面進行對談,以達到教學的目的。
Teacher in role (TiR) is an invaluable technique for shaping the dramatic process and developing students’ learning. Simply put, the teacher or facilitator assumes a role in relation to the pupils. This may be as a leader, an equal, or a low-status role – whatever is useful in the development of the lesson. The teacher may ask questions of the students, perhaps putting them into role as members of a specific group and encouraging them to hot-seat her in return. https://dramaresource.com/teacher-in-role/
5. 靜止畫面Still Image: Still Image is a drama skill that all people freeze in actions.
不是露營,是真實的難民營 Refugee camps(2節)
教學節次 第5節~第6節
國際教育議題實質內涵 國 E1 了解我國與世界其他國家的文化特質。
國 E2 發展具國際視野的本土認同。
國E10 認識世界基本人權與道德責任。
國E11 體會國際弱勢者的現象與處境。
國E12 觀察生活中的全球議題,並構思生活行動策略。
相關領域學習表現(第二學習階段以上應包含英語文領域領綱) [綜合領域]
3c-III-1 尊重與關懷不同的族群,理解並欣賞多元文化。
[藝術與人文 表演藝術]
3-III-5 能透過藝術創作或展演覺察議題,表現人文關懷。
1-III-6 能聽懂課堂中所學的字詞。
2-III-7 能作簡易的回答和描述。  
3-III-6 能看懂課堂中所學的簡易短文之主要內容。 
4-III-4 能依圖畫、圖示填寫簡單字詞。 
5-III-2 在聽讀時,能辨識書本中相對應的書寫文字。 
6-III-5 樂於接觸課外英語學習素材。
領域學習內容 Content
1. 國際難民營中難民的生活處境
2. 身為世界公民,幫助兒童難民的三種方法與行動
語言學習內容 Language of Learning
目標字詞target words:
Activities, Refugee camp, Comic Relief, shocking, future, share, similar
目標句型target sentences:
1. Can you describe “_______” in five (related) words? 
The five (related) words for "_____" are: ____, ____, ____, ____ and ____.
2. Can you describe “_______” in three sentences?
3. Are you surprised at _________? 
Will you / she/ he _________? 
I guess/ I believe
In my opinion…
First, Secondly, lastly…
單元學習目標 理解難民營對難民的安置與協助,比較自己與兒童難民生活中的異同之處,藉由角色扮演,表現同理心,對戰爭及難民等國際議題表達立場、以雙語展現自己觀點。
教學步驟 引導作法 教學資源 認知能力
I. Warm up (15 mins)
教師複習並展示Unfairy tales系列故事“Mustafa goes for a walk”其中的幾個畫面(難民營帳篷),並詢問學生畫面中是什麼地方? 畫面中的男孩怎麼了?整理學生的答案後,歸納並說明:這是專門收留逃難難民們的難民營。
1. Teacher uses target sentence and asks students: 
In this “Unfairy tales” story, where is the boy? What is he doing? What happened? 
Can you describe the image in 5 related words? 
Students may say:
The five related words for the image are: tent, no friends, sad, loss and lonely. 
2. Teacher repeats all the words from students, and then writes them on the blackboard. 
3. Teacher concludes that: 
The boy is in a refugee camp. Refugee camp is a safer place that refugees can live and stay. Refugees can find food, water or other helps there. People may have a new life in the refugee camp.
4. Introduce “REFUGEE REPUBLIC” 
“REFUGEE REPUBLIC” is an interactive website that allows you to explore everyday life in a Syrian refugee camp.





















II. Presentation – What do we share?  (25 mins) 
教師發下學習單,請學生以英語單字及句子完成自己生活中的情境描述,以及對未來的期望。再播放兩部影片”The most shocking second a day”及”Still The most shocking second a day”,請學生以英語單字及句子完成影片中女主角Lily的生活情境描述及她的未來。最後比較自己與女主角Lily的生活中相同及相異之處。
1. Before the video is played, present the following questions to the class. Have students answer the questions in the worksheet. 
(1) Can you describe your life in ten related words? (feelings, school life, family life…)
(2) Can you describe your life activities in three sentences? (favorite things, events, hobbies, traveling…)
(3) Can you describe your futures in five related words?
2. Play the video and ask students the same questions. Have students answer the questions in the worksheet. 
(1) Can you describe Lily’s life in ten related words?
(2) Can you describe Lily’s life activities in three sentences?
(3) Can you describe Lily’s futures in five related words?
3. Having students complete “Compare and Contrast chart” by finish the similar / the same part in the middle of the chart. 
4. Dividing the class into small groups and facilitating discussions:
(1) Are you surprised at how different or similar your lives are to Lily?
(2) Will you share the same future? 
Students may say:
I guess/ believe
In my opinion…
5. Teacher concludes that: 
Lily is just a child like you. Lily and you may share the same hobbies, the same beliefs, and some similar experiences. However, it is more likely that yon won’t share the same future.

















































III. Practice – Action plan 123 (35 mins)
1. 教師說:想像你是影片中女主角Lily,經歷了敘利亞戰爭、成為兒童難民逃難的你,現在是位十分年長的老人,當年的事情已經事過境遷,但在你心裡留下深刻的感受.有一個獨特的機會接受新聞媒體的採訪當年的事件,請你向新聞主持人訴說關於敘利亞戰爭的一切、逃難的經過,還有當時身為兒童難民的弱勢處境,為這個議題發聲.
2. 教師將全班分為四組,第一組要化身為Lily的角色說明敘利亞戰爭的背景、第二組化身為Lily的角色,負責解釋當初選擇什麼逃難路線以及選擇的原因,第三組化身為Lily的角色,負責說明逃難背包裡帶了什麼物品以及原因,第四組化身為Lily的角色時需要說明:這些戰爭及難民的事情對現在年長的Lily有何心裡的影響?有何感受?
3. 教師於黑板展示之前第1-4節課中所有學過的目標字詞、目標句型,邀請學生利用學過的目標字詞句先在一張空白的A4紙張中擬定說稿並進行口頭練習.
Can you describe “______” in five (related) words? 
The five (related) words for "____" are: ___, ___, ___, ___ and ___. 
What _______ do you choose (for you and your family)? 
And why do you choose it? 
I choose ____ because ___________. 
4. 老師說:待會我會變成新聞主持人依照組別訪問Lily,請各組依照主題順序,入戲為角色Lily並回答主持人問題:描述敘利亞戰爭的一切、逃難的經過,還有當時身為兒童難民的弱勢處境,為議題發聲.
5. 教師依序訪問各組代表學生,請各組代表學生入戲為Lily,並利用第1-4節課學過的目標字詞句完成訪談任務.
Teacher may say:
 What happened? 
   Can you describe Syria war? 
   What items do you choose for you and    your family? And why do you choose it? 
   How do you feel? 
Can you describe your feelings in three words?















IV. Wrap up: Action plan 123 ( 5mins)
1. 教師說:根據聯合國難民署UN Refugee Agency,我們可以透過三種方式讓兒童難民問題變得不一樣。
Teacher introduces “Action plan 123”
Teacher may say: 
According to UN Refugee Agency, there are the 3 ways to help children refugees: Share (spread out), Small amount of money and Speak out. 
2. 教師回饋與總結:我們透過學習將敘利亞戰爭及兒童難民議題傳遞出去,你們用自己的語言、自己的詮釋在剛剛的模擬的新聞訪問中幫兒童難民發聲,這些都是我們成為世界公民、幫助兒童難民的行動.
3. 教師指派回家功課:請將課程學習單帶回去,向至少三位家人或朋友分享說明這個議題,並請他們在聆聽完你的分享之後在學習單空白處簽名.



















1. REFUGEE REPUBLIC  https://refugeerepublic.submarinechannel.com
2. “Most Shocking Second a day.” & “Still The Most Shocking Second a Day. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBQ-IoHfimQ&list=PLShr1ttB260O6Txm0JkiR-edi29__hTeu&index=81 A young girl's life gets turned upside-down in this tragic second a day video. This is what war does to children. Find out more: http://save.tc/fvu430gar8B
3. 聯合國難民署 UN Refugee Agency http://www.unhcr.org/hk/
4. 聯合國兒童基金會The United Nations Children's Fundhttps://www.unicef.org
5. 紅鼻子日Comic Relief-Red Nose Day  https://rednoseday.org